Mark your calendars to join us next Friday, November 11th at 7 PM ET on Twitter @AcademicSurgery. You won’t want to miss this month’s #AASChat led by Dr. Linda Li (@LindaTLi), and Dr. Bindi Naik-Mathuria (@bnaikma). The topic of discussion will be Advocacy as an Academic Surgeon, and the chat questions that will direct the […]
#AASChat Twitter Topic for Oct. 24th “Leading Social Justice in Academic Surgery”
Join us Tonight! October 24th at 7 PM ET on Twitter @AcademicSurgery. You won’t want to miss this month’s #AASChat led by University of Chicago’s Drs. Tanya Zakrison (@tzakrison), Mihir Chaudhary (@mihirjaychaudh ), Sade Garcia (@drksgh), Anthony Douglas (@anthonyDDouglas), Samuel Osei (@samueloseiMD), and Mary Noory (@DrMaryToya). The topic of discussion will be Leading Social Justice […]
AAS Fall Courses – Early Registration Deadline Today!
The Association of Academic Surgery is gearing up for the Fundamentals of Surgical Research (FSRC) and the Early Career Development Courses (ECDC). This year, the Fall Courses will be held on October 15th the Saturday before the American College of Surgeons Clinical Congress at the Manchester Grand Hyatt-San Diego. The two courses will be held […]
#AASChat Twitter Topic for Sept. 27th “Research Fellowships”
Join us Tuesday, September 27th at 9 PM ET on Twitter @AcademicSurgery. You won’t want to miss this month’s #AASChat led by Drs. Ryan Merkow (@rpmerkow) and Kimberly (Brooke) Golisch (@BrookeTheOstomy). The topic of discussion will be Research Fellowships, and the chat questions that will direct the conversation will include: Question 1: How do you […]
#AASChat Twitter Topic for Aug. 24th “Global Surgery”
Join us Wednesday, August 24th at 8 PM ET on Twitter @AcademicSurgery. #AASChat series is back again this month, led by Drs. Catherine Juillard (@cjuillard), Jordan Rook (@jrookmd), and Christie Sabrinah (@SArianeChristie). The topic of discussion will be Global Surgery, and the chat questions that will direct the conversation will include: Question 1: How do […]
#AASChat Twitter Topic for July 27th “Promotion”
Join us Wednesday, July 27th at 8 PM ET on Twitter @AcademicSurgery. Our popular #AASChat series continues this month, led by Drs. Purvi Patel (@pppatelmd) and Chandler Cortina (@chandlercortina). The topic of discussion will be Promotion, and the chat questions that will direct the conversation will include: Question 1: When should you start thinking about […]
#AASChat Twitter Topic for May 23rd “Learning Collaboratives”
Join us TODAY! Monday, May 23rd at 8 PM ET on Twitter @AcademicSurgery. Our popular #AASChat series will be led by Drs. Jonah Stulberg (@JJStulberg) and Michael Wandling (@m_wandling). The topic of discussion will be Learning Collaboratives, and the chat questions that will direct the conversation will include: Question 1: Do Surgical Quality Collaboratives improve […]
#AASChat Twitter Topic for April 21st “Breastfeeding as a Surgeon”
Join us on Thursday, April 21st at 9 PM ET on Twitter @AcademicSurgery. Our popular #AASChat series will be led by Drs. Alexis Colley and Tasce Bongiovanni. The topic of discussion will be Breastfeeding as a Surgeon, and the chat questions that will direct the conversation will include: Question 1: What is (or was) your […]
#AASChat Twitter Topic for March 16th “Creating Research Teams”
Join us on Wednesday, March 16th at 9 PM ET on Twitter @AcademicSurgery. Our popular #AASChat series will be led by Drs. Lucy Kornblith (@LucyKornblith) and Rachael Callcut (@Callcura). The topic of discussion will be Creating Research Teams, and the chat questions that will direct the conversation will include: Question 1: What are your best […]