“I just need you to care!” I was a chief resident, and I was yelling. The source of my righteous indignation is a long clinical story, but it boils down to the following principle: my patient’s concerns had been disregarded and they were sent home from the ER without a proper workup. It was now […]
Demystifying the Fall Courses: You Should Definitely Go!
If you are anything like me, you tend to let unfamiliar acronyms scoot by your ears without internalizing what they mean until they directly affect you. When I was going through training, as somebody with career goals that were “more heavily clinical than research-oriented,” I let letters like K, R, NIDDK, AHRQ, DoD, and NCI […]
How do you change someone’s mind when their worldview has never been challenged by their life experience?
Recently, a disturbing tweet was circulated on Twitter. A Harvard Professor of Physiology and Medicine and former Dean tweeted the following statement: “When I last lectured in @BrighamWomens Bornstein auditorium, walls were adorned with portraits of prior luminaries of medicine & surgery. Connecting to a glorious past. Now all gone. Hope everyone is happy. I’m […]