The AAS/AASF Awards application period is coming to a close for this year’s Travel awards for Fall Courses, the 2020 ASC and 4 international conferences – don’t miss these great opportunities! Share this information with your colleagues!
Closing Monday, July 29
(applications close at 11:59pm PST)
Ten travel awards are funded by the AAS Foundation and are awarded to residents, fellows, or faculty-level attendees who are either female or from underrepresented minorities or are currently serving in the military. The Award is a $1000 travel stipend plus complimentary registration to the 2019 Fall Courses to be held Saturday October 26, 2019 in San Francisco.
The AAS has formal exchanges with the Taiwan Surgical Association, the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons Younger Fellows Committee, the West African College of Surgeons and the Colombian Surgical Association. Travel award applications for these 4 international meetings are open to all AAS members. The Award is travel support for these organization’s respective meetings, with the opportunity to present there; recipients will also host international visitors to the 2020 Academic Surgical Congress held in Orlando, Florida February 4-6, 2020.
…and 2 travel awards for the 2020 Academic Surgical Congress…
The intent of these six (6) awards is to recognize outstanding research efforts by medical students and to encourage student interest in pursuing careers in academic surgery. The Award is complimentary registration plus a $500 travel stipend for the Academic Surgical Congress held in Orlando, Florida February 4-6, 2020.
These three (3) awards are presented to female or underrepresented minority medical students. The Award is complimentary registration, 3-nights hotel accommodations and a $500 travel stipend for the Academic Surgical Congress held in Orlando, Florida February 4-6, 2020.
Apply now – visit the AAS Awards site:
To review the Award guidelines & requirements, please click HERE.
For other questions, please email AAS Associate Executive Director JJ Jackman at