The Association for Surgical Education is excited to announce a new initiative to improve surgical skills in medical students who are transitioning to a surgical residency program. This curriculum was produced with the American College of Surgeons (ACS) and is a new modular simulation-based surgical skills curriculum that includes supply lists, learning objectives, instructions, expert performance videos, and an assessment instrument for scoring and feedback. A list of all of the modules is listed below and is organized into suggested medical student knowledge levels. This “all-in-one” package is an excellent resource for any surgeons who may find themselves working with medical students and do not want to “reinvent the wheel” to create a skill module. These modules are available for free through the ACS Division of Education.
Curriculum Content
Year 1 Modules
Module 1: Abdominal Exam
Module 2: Basic Vascular Exam
Module 3: Breast Exam
Module 4: Digital Rectal Exam
Module 5: Female Pelvic Exam
Module 6: Male Groin and Genital Exam
Module 7: Universal Precautions
Module 8: Venipuncture and Peripheral IV
Year 2 Modules
Module 1: Basic Airway Management
Module 2: Communication-History and Physical, and Case Presentation
Module 3: Foley Bladder Catheterization
Module 4: Intermediate Vascular Exam
Module 5: Nasogastric Tubes
Module 6: Sterile Technique-Gloving and Gowning
Module 7: Surgical Drains-Care and Removal
Year 3 Modules
Module 1: Arterial Puncture and Blood Gas
Module 2: Basic Knot Tying
Module 3: Basic Suturing
Module 4: Central Venous Line Insertion
Module 5: Communication-During Codes, and Safe and Effective Handoffs
Module 6: Intermediate Airway
Module 7: Intraosseous IV
Module 8: Local Anesthetics
Module 9: Paracentesis
Module 10: Thoracentesis