Each month, the AAS Membership Committee presents the “Member Spotlight” – an opportunity to introduce you to a member of your association. Dr. Valerie Grignol is an Associate Professor of Surgery in the Division of Surgical Oncology at The Ohio State University. She completed her General Surgery Residency at The Medical College of Wisconsin and […]
The Academic Surgeon - Official Blog of the AAS
The Academic Surgeon is the official blog of the AAS. We post anywhere from one to three times a week and our contributors will focus on issues relevant to young academic surgeons, residents, fellows, and even medical students.
If you would like to contribute, please submit your post here: https://www.aasurg.org/the-academic-surgeon-blog-submission/
Additional Degrees During Training
Many academic surgeons have earned additional degrees to further their careers. What is sometimes less clear is how these new skillsets change a career trajectory beyond the letters after one’s name. Here we share three perspectives on how additional degrees earned during surgical training are shaping our paths in academic medicine. ———- Filip Bednar, MD, […]
One More
The AAS Ethics Committee held its first annual Artwork and Essay Contest in 2021 – the topic for the essay contest was “What is the most challenging ethical issue, personal or professional, you have encountered in the COVID era?” The winning essay and artwork were selected by the Ethics Committee and will be published in […]
Future Transplant Surgeons
Transplantation is not the most popular subspecialty in surgery. Of course, we (the authors) are 100% sold on the magic of giving someone a new lease on life with an organ transplant, but we traditionally have been the mighty few. With the growing use of organ transplantation as a treatment for end-stage liver and kidney […]
Crucial Conversations: How to Improve the Quality of Your Discussions at Home and at Work
Introduction Most of us like and naturally seek out encounters and discussions that are easy. But in academic surgery, we frequently encounter difficult conversations. These may be upward negotiations with a chair for salary or research support, delivering negative feedback to a mentee, or conflict with a team member in the OR. In the book, […]
An Eternal Memory
The AAS Ethics Committee held its first annual Artwork and Essay Contest in 2021 – the topic for the essay contest was “What is the most challenging ethical issue, personal or professional, you have encountered in the COVID era?” The winning essay and artwork were selected by the Ethics Committee and will be published in […]
Rethinking Residency Interviews
The COVID-19 pandemic has quickly changed how surgical residency and fellowship programs interview applicants. For the 2020-21 interview season, the AAMC recommended a virtual format for all medical school, residency, and faculty interviews. As we look ahead to the 2021-22 residency interview season, the future format of residency interviews remains unclear. There remains little data […]
Finding a mentor: AAS Can Help
I vividly remember the first time I attended the Academic Surgical Congress (ASC) in San Antonio in 2010. I was a lab resident at the meeting to present my research and I felt completely overwhelmed by the size and breadth of the meeting. I had not been involved with the Association for Academic Surgery as […]
2021 Virtual AAS Fall Courses
The Association of Academic Surgery is gearing up for 2021 Fall Courses. Again, this year the courses will take place virtually in October and November. This year’s courses will include the Fundamentals of Surgical Research Course and the Early Career Development Course. The first virtual course, the Fundamentals of Surgical Research Course, taking place Friday, […]
How to Increase Organization and Enhance Productivity as an Academic Surgeon
We are all busy, so how can some academic surgeons balance their clinical work and remain academically productive? While I don’t have all of the answers, I have some suggestions on building a productivity framework and tools that I find helpful. In full disclosure, I am a Mac user, and several of the programs that […]