We know our members take pride in our Association… So what would you put an AAS logo on? A shirt? A hat? A tracksuit for your cat? CLICK HERE and give us your ideas. AAS members will vote and the winning swag will be on sale at ASC 2020. Tell us what you want to […]
The Academic Surgeon - Official Blog of the AAS
The Academic Surgeon is the official blog of the AAS. We post anywhere from one to three times a week and our contributors will focus on issues relevant to young academic surgeons, residents, fellows, and even medical students.
If you would like to contribute, please submit your post here: https://www.aasurg.org/the-academic-surgeon-blog-submission/
The Importance of Mentorship
As you move forward in your career, you can’t help but notice the importance of mentorship. Finding the right mentorship is key to a successful career. Oftentimes, you will have multiple mentors, not just one. Having a good mentor can certainly enhance your success. Mentorship is needed at all stages of your professional growth. When […]
Change Is Inevitable—How Will You Respond?
July 1st marks the start of the academic surgery calendar and with it comes change. Chief residents are graduating and moving on to new jobs or fellowship positions. New interns are welcomed into the program, residents are moving in and out of the research years, and faculty are being hired, promoted or recruited away. In […]
When it Looks Like a Duck and Quacks Like a Duck, but isn’t a Duck: Being Wary of Cognitive Bias in Everyday Practice
We make decisions every day both for ourselves and our patients, yet we seldom think about how we make these decisions. In medicine, we consider data and evidence, leaving aside emotion and influence in favor of rationality. Cognitive bias, a systematic error in thinking, can sneak in and influence us. Cognitive bias is relatively unstudied […]
Publications Committee – Reviewers of the Year!
Each year the AAS Publications Committee reviews hundreds of manuscripts submitted to be considered for presentation at the Academic Surgical Congress. The review work is detailed and very time consuming – we are grateful for the tremendous amount of work our committee members accomplish, and it is with great pleasure that we present and congratulate […]
Modern Applications of Causal Attribution in Medicine
Bernard Weiner’s theory of social behavior posits that we respond to events by judging its cause, leading to the assignment of responsibility, emotional reaction, and the ultimate response (Weiner, 2006). When Dr. Ernest Codman, a graduate of Harvard Medical School in 1895 and an advocate for improved patient outcomes, presented the concept of morbidity and […]
The Urgent Need For Compassion in the Healthcare Workplace
I recently learned a valuable lesson while dropping my daughter off at school about the importance of treating one another with compassion. As I entered the daycare, I realized that I had forgotten the code to sign her in for the day. When I write it, the forgetting looks small and insignificant. In the moment, […]
Practice Diversity in Academic Surgery
Recently I was sitting in the audience of a scientific session at a surgical society meeting. I heard tons of new things, new take on old things and bunch of science fiction-esque results from basic science labs. Of all the insights I gained, one stood out. A junior resident from a university affiliated residency program […]
2019 Young Investigators Award
Attention surgery RESIDENTS or FELLOWS in Cardiothoracic, Vascular, Orthopedics, Urology, Plastics and Otolaryngology: Funding Available for Registration for the Association for Academic Surgery (AAS) Fall Courses, immediately preceding the American College of Surgeons Clinical Congress Apply to receive free registration to the: AAS Fall Courses – “30th Annual Fundamentals of Surgical Research Course & 15th Annual Early Career Development Course” […]
2019-2020 AAS/AASF Awards – Deadlines Approaching
The AAS/AASF Awards application period is coming to a close for this year’s Travel awards for Fall Courses, the 2020 ASC and 4 international conferences – don’t miss these great opportunities! Share this information with your colleagues! Closing Monday, July 29 (applications close at 11:59pm PST) AAS Fall Courses Travel Awards Ten travel awards are […]