Join us on Tuesday, February 28th at 9 PM ET on Twitter @AcademicSurgery. On this month’s #AASChat led by Krista Haines, DO, MA (@DrKristaHaines) we’ll discuss Putting Boundaries on Professional Life. A few questions that will direct the conversation will include: Question 1: Electronic medical records have made some aspects of patient care much easier […]
The Academic Surgeon - Official Blog of the AAS
The Academic Surgeon is the official blog of the AAS. We post anywhere from one to three times a week and our contributors will focus on issues relevant to young academic surgeons, residents, fellows, and even medical students.
If you would like to contribute, please submit your post here:
Role of Qualitative Research in Surgery
As surgeon scientists having undergone traditional training in research, we have been taught that quantitative data is the optimal way investigate healthcare phenomena. In clinical outcomes research there are more factors at play than what can be captured in the medical record or administrative database, however. There are social and cultural factors that influence patients’ […]
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Surgery: The Journey Continues
Diversity is a term that has become common in our lexicon, usually accompanied by the words equity and inclusion. The focus on these issues has led to changes in our profession, some visible others not. But change is often slow and not without its problems. As I examine the changes the last three years have […]
Academic Recruitment Package
Searching for your first academic job is both exciting and stressful. After years of work as a trainee you get to embark on an interview season cramped into a few months spanning the spring and fall of your final year. Jobs will come and go on various boards and others will come to you by […]
The Best Science is Driven by Insightful Clinical Observation
Now nearly 3½ years into my first faculty position, I am deeply grateful to have the opportunity to balance a clinical practice in complex hepatopancreatobiliary surgical oncology with an academic career in basic and translational pancreatic tumor immunology, a balancing act characterized by many joys but also occasional moments of abject despair and anguish. Nonetheless, […]
Leading with No: How One Small Word Can Lead to Big Change
Many of us remember the first few months of being an attending. Sitting in an empty office, waiting for patients to come. Years of waking up at 4 am during training has been so ingrained, so instinctual, that you’re sitting in your office at the crack of dawn every day, realizing you have nothing to […]
JSR Transitions to Electronic Only Format
Hello AAS Members, please see the announcement below from the Journal of Surgical Research – AAS will continue to offer the electronic JSR to our Active level members, and Candidate and Senior members will be able to subscribe to JSR for $40 annually. If you have any questions, please contact the AAS Membership office: After […]
Submit a Commemoration for the 2023 ASC Reflection Room
Dear AAS and SUS members, There is a mental health crisis in the U.S. The isolation, fear, and trauma experienced through COVID have exacerbated this. Physicians (surgeons) are not immune to these struggles. In a culture where mental “toughness” is expected and glorified, data have shown that we are, in fact, even more vulnerable. We […]
#AASChat Twitter Topic for Dec. 14th “Participating in Professional Societies”
Mark your calendars to join us on Wednesday, December 14th at 9 PM ET on Twitter @AcademicSurgery. On this month’s #AASChat hear from our very own President Carrie Cunningham, MD (@Lubitz_Carrie) and co-moderators AAS Recorder Callisia Clarke, MD (@DrCNClarke) and Membership Committee Co-Chair Alex Hawkins, MD (@AlexHawkinsMD) as they discuss the value of Participating in […]
Surgical Mentorship and The Mentee to Mentor Transition
For my last AAS blog, I reflected on what qualities define an excellent leader. As academic surgeons, we are all leaders. We lead teams inside and outside of the operating room every single day. In deciding upon what to write about this time around, I wondered to myself “what other daily role defines an academic […]