Submissions are now closed.
Below are listed the duties of each committee; the appointment term is two years, beginning at the close of the 2025 ASC and ending at the close of the 2027 ASC.
Program Committee
- Review submitted abstracts in a timely fashion and select those to be presented during the combined annual meeting.
Publications Committee
- Review submitted manuscripts submitted to the Journal of Surgical Research in association with the AAS for the annual meeting.
Only active AAS members are eligible for these committee positions. Please remember that members are not eligible to serve on the same committee more than once; however, members are allowed to serve on one of these two committees in addition to currently serving on another AAS committee.
The deadline for submission of your expression of interest for these committees is Wednesday, December 18th at midnight Pacific time.
- Check your current member status: i.e. active, candidate and/or international and confirm that you do not transition before your term would begin.
- Check your faculty year in your dashboard and make any necessary updates, if applicable.
- Be certain your dues are current and you are in good standing.
If you have any questions about the above, please contact and/or
If you are interested in serving, please complete the form below.