Rahul Gorijavolu
Medical Student
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Medical Student (n/a)
I am applying for a position on the AAS Committee on Technology and Communications to leverage my background in AI governance and information technology to advance the integration of AI within the Association for Academic Surgery. Currently, I am a third-year medical student at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, working with a multi-disciplinary team at MIT to advance our efforts to achieve health equity through the applications of AI.
My experiences as a student on the Johns Hopkins Medicine Responsible AI Task Force and the Health Information Technology (HIT) committee at the American College of Surgeons (ACS) have allowed me to collaborate and learn from great minds and thought leaders at the intersection of artificial intelligence and surgery. The skills I picked up will allow me to effectively integrate AI into surgical practice, enhance digital communication strategies, and ensure ethical AI deployment. I hope to contribute to the expansion of AI at the AAS. I am also interested in advancing the AAS's use of technology and social media to facilitate meaningful discussions and continue to uphold the robust community present today.
I am eager to contribute my experience and insights to the AAS, helping to shape its technological landscape and further its mission through the strategic use of AI and communications technology.