Tesserae Komarek
Candidate Member
General Surgery
I am eager to serve on the Military Committee to increase military surgeon participation in AAS. I believe that military surgeons bring unique skills, experiences, and perspectives that enrich the field of surgery. Notably, military surgeons provide a unique perspective in trauma care, adaptability in challenging environments, and commitment to excellence. These qualities and experiences can greatly benefit the AAS. By fostering greater military involvement within the organization, we can increase collaborative research opportunities, share best practices, and ultimately improve patient care. As a military surgical resident, I feel that I am uniquely qualified to serve on this committee and partner with my civilian colleagues to improve military-civilian collaboration within AAS.
I am also interested in serving on the Global Affairs committee. I have a strong passion for global health and am finishing a Master of Public Health program. I am a Returned Peace Corps Volunteer (RPCV) and plan to pursue a career in disaster and humanitarian response with the goal of creating disaster response frameworks for low and middle income countries. I would love serve on the Global Affairs committee to further the global surgery goals of the AAS and increase international collaboration among its members.
2023; accepted for presentation for 2024 meeting but was pregnant and unable to travel at the time