Dawn Adams
Medical Student
Washington University of Health and Science
Medical Student (n/a)
As a new member of ACS, a fourth-year medical student and third-year PhD student in Health Services with a concentration in Community Health, it is my duty as a future surgeon to remain active in performing necessary and continual research toward the development of global and community health. Keeping clinical …
Benjamin Allar
Candidate Member
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
General Surgery
I love academic medicine - I’m passionate about not only surgical education, but also clinical and health services research. I spent three years in my academic development time obtaining an MPH and performing clinical and health services research at the Center for Surgery and Public Health at Brigham and Women’s …
Jayalal Austin
International 3
General Surgery
I am Dr. J A Jayalal MS, FRCS (Glasgow), FACS, PhD, serving as Professor and HOD Surgery at Kanyakumari Government Medical College, and every year, eleven postgraduates join my department for their post-graduation course. I am interested in minimally invasive surgery and diabetic foot management. I also serve …
Arijit Baruah
International 3
Government of Assam
General Surgery, Laparoscopic Surgery, Trauma / Critical Care
I haved served in various capacities of national organisations towards advancement of medical science and research. I have applied for the committees of this eminent organisation so that I can serve it the better way.
Rashmi Bharadwaj
Medical Student
University of Kentucky College of Medicine
General Surgery
Throughout my medical school journey, I have focused on impacting medical education, augmenting mentorship, and building initiatives that uphold diversity, equity, and inclusion. For example, I have developed a method to review clinical curriculum to ensure it was grounded in health equity, led an interdisciplinary mentorship program throughout the University …
Briana Burris
Active Member
Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard School of Dental Medicine, Harvard Medic
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (Ear / Nose / Throat)
This statement was carefully prepared to communicate my genuine interest in applying for a committee position within the Association for Academic Surgery. At a time when our society is challenged by individuals and organizations that oppose the mission of inclusion and equity; the efforts and initiatives completed by AAS are …
Sabrinah Christie
Active Member
General Surgery
I am an assistant professor of surgery in the divisions of trauma, acute care, and critical care surgery at University of California, Los Angeles. My academic practice centers around collaborations with surgical partners in LMIC to expand surgical and trauma capacity globally. Throughout my training and early career, I have …
Reagan Collins
Medical Student
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
Medical Student (n/a)
I'm a 4th-year medical student at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center and have been involved with the AAS since 2020. My journey with AAS began when a mentor encouraged me to submit an abstract, leading to my first presentation at the virtual Academic Surgical Congress in 2021. Since then, …
William Crannell
Active Member
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
General Surgery, Transplantation
Since I was a resident at Oregon Health and Science University (Portland, OR), I have been interested in surgical education. This has included starting a co-resident mentoring program, serving on our resident council both as a member and co-chair, and publications on dealing with the struggling learner (Surgery, 2020), entrustable …
Falen Demsas
Candidate Member
Massachusetts General Hospital
Vascular Surgery
As a third-year vascular surgery resident at Massachusetts General Hospital, I have cultivated a strong commitment to education, diversity, equity, and inclusion. My journey, rooted in a passion for teaching and mentorship, began as a high school science teacher and continued through medical school and residency. Currently, I serve as …
Eleanor Fallon
Candidate Member
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Surgical Oncology
As an Education Chief at MD Anderson Cancer Center for the Complex General Surgical Oncology (CGSO) Fellowship program, and having been Administrative Chief in residency, the strengths that I aim to offer to an AAS committee would be insights on trainee curriculum and mentorship, as well as perspectives on the …
Darci Foote
Active Member
Michigan State University
General Surgery, Endocrine Surgery
I am a newly graduated trainee in my first academic/faculty position who has been attending ASC for many years. I seek to become more active within both ASC and other associations as I start my attending life. My expertise is in surgical education as I have completed two surgical education …
Sandra Gad
Medical Student
Medical Student (n/a)
I am a fourth-year medical student with a strong interest in multidisciplinary research. Research allows for the dissemination of knowledge and has the potential to improve patient outcomes. My passion for research started during my undergraduate degree doing ELISA plates and was nurtured during my master's program. It was a …
Rahul Gorijavolu
Medical Student
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Medical Student (n/a)
I am applying for a position on the AAS Committee on Technology and Communications to leverage my background in AI governance and information technology to advance the integration of AI within the Association for Academic Surgery. Currently, I am a third-year medical student at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, …
Theodore Hart
Active Military
Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences
Vascular Surgery
I'm an early career vascular surgeon new to the society. I'm planning to attend the annual meeting in 2025 and fall course in 2025. As a military surgeon, I'd love to contribute to the military committee and continue to build this presence in academic surgery. My military commitment will span …
Ahmad Hider
Candidate Member
University of Colorado
General Surgery Resident
The AAS has afforded me tremendous opportunities to grow as a leader in academic surgery and I want to be able to give back not only to the organization but to the members of AAS to further improve the mission. It was through AAS that I have met some of …
Richard Jacobson
Active Member
University of South Florida
Surgical Oncology
I am an academic surgical oncologist with a strong side interest in applied moral philosophy. I believe the discipline of surgery, practiced well, requires a strong moral compass, particularly in academics when conflicts of interest are involved. It is critical that we maintain the integrity of our research endeavors without …
Kristen Jogerst
Active Member
MD Anderson Cancer Center
General Surgery
I am a surgical oncology fellow at MD Anderson Cancer Center and a graduate of the Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) General Surgery Residency program. During my residency dedicated research time, I completed an American College of Surgeon’s accredited Surgical Education and Simulation Research Fellowship at MGH as well as the …
Nimmi Kapoor
Active Member
General Surgery, Surgical Oncology
I am an Associate Professor of Surgery and dedicated Active member of AAS, applying to serve on the Education Committee for AAS. Surgical education and education research are what brought me back to academic medicine and to the AAS in 2023 after 10 years in a community practice. My interest …
Tesserae Komarek
Candidate Member
General Surgery
I am eager to serve on the Military Committee to increase military surgeon participation in AAS. I believe that military surgeons bring unique skills, experiences, and perspectives that enrich the field of surgery. Notably, military surgeons provide a unique perspective in trauma care, adaptability in challenging environments, and commitment to …
Antonia Kreso
Active Member
Massachusetts General Hospital
Cardiac/Thoracic Surgery
I graduated residency and fellowship last year and have taken on a job in an academic setting in CT surgery. I have always favorably thought of the AAS and would like to continue being a member by actively participating in a committee. I have interests in leadership, academic advancement, and …
Jennifer Ku
Medical Student
Western Michigan University Homer Stryker M.D. School of Medicine
Medical Student (n/a)
I would be honored to further serve AAS by expanding my role within the organization. My involvement with the AAS Medical Student Task Force during my second and now third year of medical school has been deeply meaningful and a highlight of my journey. In this role, I have focused …
Frances Lee
Active Member
Southern Illinois University
General Surgery
As a surgeon and clinical educator, I would like to become more involved with AAS committees. My mission is to promote the organization and help create content that will be educational and accessible to faculty and trainees from all backgrounds. As a community academic surgeon I offer a unique perspective …
Nandita Mahajan
Candidate Member
Montefiore Medical Center
General Surgery
I am a non-traditional international graduate and a 4th year general surgery resident at Montefiore Medical Center. I am passionate about lung physiology, and lung and esophageal cancer research. I have spent dedicated research years focusing on clinical and patient reported outcomes research and integrated the same into my residency. …
Gautam Malhotra
Active Member
University of Southern California, Keck School of Medicine
Surgical Oncology
With a strong foundation in both basic science and clinical research, I believe I would be a valuable addition to the Research Committee for the Association of Academic Surgeons. Currently I am an Assistant Professor of Surgery at the University of Southern California, Keck School of Medicine with a mixed …
Thomas Martin
Candidate Member
Brigham and Women's Hospital
General Surgery Resident
I am a surgical resident at the Brigham and a postdoctoral fellow in the Laboratory for Surgical and Metabolic Research. My deep passion lies in studying gastrointestial physiology and cancer metabolism to discover opportunities for novel cancer therapeutics. My journey toward becoming an independent surgical investigator has been profoundly impacted …
Ekene Onwuka
Active Member
Texas Children’s Hospital/Baylor College of Medicine
General Surgery
I am seeking your support for my nomination to the AAS Global Affair Committee, the Education Committee, and the Clinical and Health Services Research Committee. I am a pediatric surgeon at Texas Children’s Hospital and part of the global surgery faculty at Baylor College of Medicine. My clinical focus is …
Kimberly Ramonell
Active Member
University of Pittsburgh
Endocrine Surgery
The AAS has been my academic home since 2016. This organization is one of the most influential in my young academic surgery career and I am so grateful for every opportunity I have had to be involved. I am currently the Class of 2021 Councilor and this has been an …
Nelson Royall
Active Member
Northeast Georgia Medical Center
General Surgery
I am a Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary surgeon at the Northeast Georgia Medical Center in Gainesville, GA. Previously, I worked at the University of Oklahoma in Tulsa, OK as an assistant professor of surgery. In my current position, I serve as the incoming Program Director for the General Surgery residency program which has …
Nensi Ruzgar
Candidate Member
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center & Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Medical School
General Surgery
I am a current research fellow at Dana-Farber/Boston Children’s and a BIDMC general surgery resident passionate about cancer genomics, surgical education, and improving representation in academic surgery. My research focuses on improving pre-operative risk stratification in hepatoblastoma using circulating tumor DNA signatures. I have a concurrent interest in capacity building …
Siddhartha Sahai
Medical Student
Albany Medical College
Medical Student (n/a)
I am a third-year medical student at Albany Medical College. I am pursuing an MD/DR through its reputed Physician-Scientist Program. My admission was based on my early involvement in surgical research, co-authoring a publication in neurosurgical research at age 17 and, soon after, achieving my first lead-author basic neurosurgical publication. …
Sara Sakowitz
Medical Student
David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA
Medical Student
As a fourth year medical student at UCLA who hopes to pursue a career in academic surgery, I would be honored to serve on an AAS Committee. The AAS has been a wonderful community for me since my first few months of medical school, and I would love to now …
Jason Samuels
Active Member
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
General Surgery
I am an Assistant Professor of Surgery at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, specializing in bariatric and general surgery, with a strong focus on outcomes research for obesity treatments. Following the completion of a T32 research fellowship in trauma research, I was inspired to pursue a career in academic surgery. My …
Cary Schlick
Active Member
Indiana University
Surgical Oncology/HPB Surgery
I am a fellowship-trained surgical oncologist and health services researcher at Indiana University (IU) where I serve as an Assistant Professor of Surgery in the Division of Surgical Oncology at IU Health and the Richard Roudebush VA Medical Center. My clinical focus is on hepato-pancreatobiliary, upper GI, and peritoneal surface …
Catherine Sharoky
Active Member
University of Pennsylvania
Traumatology, Surgical Critical Care and Emergency Surgery
I would like the opportunity to serve on an Association for Academic Surgery committee as I have found this society to be consistently progressive, inclusive and welcoming to surgeons of all levels. The annual meeting allows students, residents and faculty a platform to amplify important research, and society leadership has …
Megan Springer
Medical Student
University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health
Medical Student (n/a)
As a third-year medical student in an MD/MPH program and aspiring academic surgeon, I am eager to express my interest in serving on a committee within the Association for Academic Surgery. ASC 2024, my first research conference, was a transformative experience. Presenting my global health research, attending other presentations and …
Grayson Stinger
Medical Student
University of Louisville School of Medicine
Medical Student (n/a)
National organizations such as the AAS are rarely shared with students, and they don’t get involved until later on. I only discovered AAS after meeting my mentor who has dedicated her work and life to academic surgery. My classmates who aren’t as fortunate to have a mentor introduce them to …
Danielle Sutzko
Active Member
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Vascular Surgery
My interest in the Education Committee continues to grow as a current committee member. During my time on the committee, I have helped with revamping the surgical jeopardy program and hope to continue to contribute to these efforts as well as helping create new events and topics that can be …
Matthew Symer
Active Member
NYU Grossman Long Island School of Medicine
Colon and Rectal Surgery
I am an academic colorectal surgeon and educator. For two years I have served as Director of our Surgery Clerkship and Sub-internship for medical students. I am also active in health services research. AAS membership has been a rewarding and academically rejuvenating experience for me as a resident, fellow, and …
Rebecca Tang
Candidate Member
Massachusetts General Hospital
General Surgery
I am a General Surgery resident and Surgical Education Research Fellow at the Massachusetts General Hospital interested in serving on the Education Committee. My research in surgical education focuses on identifying and mitigating the challenges faced by surgical trainees who have small hand size, are left-handed, and are introverted. By …
Rosmi Thomas
Candidate Member
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
General Surgery
I am a General Surgery resident who is currently training in a community-based consortium program at the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine. My interest in Global Medicine is deeply intertwined with my desire to pursue medicine, as well as my past and current education. I dove into global work in …
Hunter Underwood
Active Member
Univeristy of Michigan
Endocrine Surgery
I am an Assistant Professor of Surgery and assistant clerkship director at the University of Michigan. As a new member of the AAS, I am eager to become more involved with the association. My passion is endocrine surgical education at all levels (student, resident, fellow) as I believe that education …
Tanaz Vaghaiwalla
Active Member
University of Miami Miller School of Medicine
General Surgery, Endocrine Surgery
I am currently an Assistant Professor of Surgery at the University of Miami and APD for the fellowship in endocrine surgery. I had similar roles at the University of Tennessee Medical Center where I served on the surgical education committee for the residency program and as course director for grand …
Tien Vo
Medical Student
University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health
Medical Student (n/a)
Earlier this year, I attended my first surgical research conference at ASC 2024, where I presented research done through a collaboration between the University of Wisconsin and the Hawassa University Hospital in Ethiopia. Since my involvement in this research project and the opportunity to hear from surgeons at ASC, I …
Lindsey Wattley
Candidate Member
University of Cincinnati
General Surgery
I am a PGY-4 general surgery resident at the University of Cincinnati currently in my second year of basic science research in trauma/critical care under Dr. Timothy Pritts. I study the inflammatory response to blood transfusions and blood storage conditions. During my research time, I have studied the red cell …